Christmas Day 2017

Happy Christmas, everyone!

Here’s my Christmas gift to you from all of us at Owls Well!

P.S. If you have not watched the ‘Platoon of Power Squadron’ web series yet, you really should! (Mummy warning: There are fight scenes, kissing scenes and some cursing. But if your kids have already watched any mainstream superhero movie made within the last 10 years, they’ll be ok.)

P.P.S. Check out our Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 24

Okay, I was going to make this the last day of the Advent series, but the Barn Owl insists that I have to do a Christmas Day video to round the series off, so there will be one more video tomorrow.


Today’s music starts with a familiar carol by the voices at Aldersgate Methodist Church, and ends with a rousing chorus by the church choir from Charis Methodist Church – which, by the way, features both the Godfamily and the Aged Ps.

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Advent 2017: Day 23

It’s beginning to sound a lot like Christmas! Today’s musical accompaniment is courtesy of the voices from Aldersgate Methodist Church in Singapore, where we attended a Pre-Christmas Carolling programme this evening.

Afterwards, J commented that he loves singing the Christmas songs together with everyone, and that he would love to sing a Christmas carol every single day this season. Hearing him say that made me feel very happy.

By the way, the game that the kids are playing together is “Tak: A Beautiful Game“, which is an abstract strategy game inspired by one of our favourite book series (for grownups), The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss. It’s a really versatile and elegant game which the Barn Owl and I really enjoy, along with J and Little E.

(Buyer’s note: We bought the Tak Tavern Pieces and Cloth Board from The Tinker’s Packs, where all proceeds are donated to Worldbuilders, a charity working to make a sustainable difference in the world.)

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 22

It’s the first family Christmas party! I always look forward to the family Christmas parties because of all the singing. That’s my favourite Christmas activity.

Unfortunately, poor J is suffering from an upset tummy today, so although he’d been looking forward to the Aged P’s roast turkey, he wasn’t able to eat more than a small slice of it. He was very sad, but the music seemed to cheer him up.

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 21

We got to spend the day at the Aged Ps place today making lots of gingerbread – in time for tomorrow’s Christmas party! Also, we met a Noodle Ninja.

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!


Advent 2017: Day 20

I managed to convince the kids to put their toy collection through the Konmari wringer – and we managed to reduce it by half!


We donated some of the toys to the Salvation Army and I’ll bring the rest to donate to the MINDS charity shop as well as the Dignity Mama Bookstore.

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 14

I had a decent rest last night so I’m much better but feeling extremely tired. J’s friends came round for a playdate so I fortified myself with mini-apple crumble tarts for breakfast and just carried on.

The kids are playing “Ravensburger Labyrinth (I talked about this in a previous post) and another game called Marrakech.

This is a really fun carpet-laying strategy game set in a busy market square. It’s easy to learn, very tactile and requires some keen thinking, and is a real hit with the kids including Thumper, who just likes putting out the moroccan blue carpets in a zigzag pattern. (Buyer’s note: We bought our set from My First Games, but you can also find it on Amazon.)

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 12

We spent the day with the Aged P today – the kids have missed her so much!


By the way, the game that we are playing is called ‘Qwirkle‘. It’s a simple colour and shape matching game with a good measure of strategy thrown in, so it’s a good one to play across generations! (Buyer’s Note: We received this game as a Christmas gift from a relative who purchased it from My First Games, but you can also find this game on Amazon.)

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

Advent 2017: Day 11

The Aged Ps have been away since the start of the Advent season, and they came back today! We helped them decorate their Christmas tree in advance of their arrival – which is always really fun for us as the Aged Ps have collected many beautiful ornaments from their travels around the world.

The poor Barn Owl is on call this evening. He’s been sick all day and has been resting quietly in the bedroom, but he’s heading to work later.

P.S. We are following the Advent calendar from Truth In The Tinsel this year!

P.P.S. Check out our other Advent posts here with lots of crafty fun for the season and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

The Good Life: Barter Economy

While my potato harvest has been extremely good, we are getting a little sick of potatoes here at The New Castle of Corke.  I have been seriously running out of things to do with potatoes!  I’ve made nikujaga, mashed potatoes, irish stew and have even fried the darn things in my airfryer[1]!


Check it out.  More than half a kilo of potato right there.

Yesterday, I dug up the biggest potato I had ever seen in my life and realised that I had gotten to the end of my potato threshold.  Neither the Boobook nor I felt like eating potatoes anymore.

Thankfully, my friend, Mrs Peacock, was visiting family in Newcastle and she had had far too much citrus.  So, we did the only thing that made sense:


Have a bag of taters


Oranges, lemons and tangerines oh my!

We traded produce.

I have now participated in the barter economy!  Check me out being all productive and stuff!

Now all I gotta do is figure out what to do with all this fruit…

[1]With little success, unfortunately.  Some potatoes were not made to fry.  They disintegrated instead.